Cinematography video feedback/learner response

1) Type up your feedback/comments from your teacher.

WWW; the music and still images match, good use of smooth panning, the point of view shot was well presented in the video. The use of editing added to each frame is done well.

EBI; the use of still frames needed to be less close. Some camera shits weren't still as in your hands were shaking which resulted in the frame being distorted. Next time use a tripod whilst filming.

2) Type up your feedback from fellow students.

Student one;
WWW; really good range of shots and panning. The lightning stayed consistent.
EBI; the video needed to be longer as it was only 48 seconds.

Student two;
WWW; the use of editing was clear and made the video more appealing as it fitted with the music.
EBI; there wasn't a clear narrative which next time needed to be established.

Student three
WWW; good use of establishing shots and close ups.
EBI; would've been better if you have a consistent narrative and less shaky shots.

Student four
WWW; good camera movements in most parts and song choice as it fitted well with the theme.. For most parts.
EBI; needed more camera shots.

Student five
WWW; the location which had been used was unique and a very good one.
EBI; could've stuck to a clearer narrative as it changed twice in the short film.

Student six
WWW; really liked the use of photos it fitted the song choice.
EBI; however, could've introduced a narrative or make someone the clear point.

3) Now reflect on your work and write your own summary of the comments and feedback you have received. Write three WWWs and three EBIs.

For my own video I think my three WWW would be the location spot was well used and was fun to film. Another would be the use of various shots and angles I had taken. Another would be the song choice as it fitted well with the location and shot types.

However, for my own video I think there were shaky shots which had kinda ruined the video. The use of still image didn't come out right as it was too close up. My video didn't have a clear narrative which I needed to establish next time.

4) Learner response: think about what you learned about cinematography making the video and also watching others. What will you do differently when you start the coursework in the summer? What tips or tricks have you learned from others that you can use next time? Are there any specific aspects of camerawork that you need to revise or practice?

For my learner response; something I would differently when I start my coursework would be to read the instructions given for that specific task and to plan out my work to receive the best results. Tips that I've learn would be to use a tripod whilst filming as it make my video much clearer also I would've used various of shot and make my narrative more clearer for each theme. A specific area of camerawork I would want to practice is using the shots/angles I take to tell a story also to able to use 'pov' shots more and 'worms eye view' shots in my work.
