Sound analysis: blog tasks

2) Find a film clip on YouTube that uses sound in an interesting way. Analyse the use of sound, making sure you use the key language we have learned about sound in film:
  • Diegetic and non-diegetic sound
  • Parallel and contrapuntal sound
  • Sound bridges

The breakfast club ~ 1985.

The use of sound used in this trailer contains diegetic sound at the start of the trailer was said by the principal in the film Paul Gleason then it fades into non~diegetic sound that only we can hear and a voice over stating the stock characters played in the film. This trailer doesn't contain a sound bridge but the sound played behind the voice-over is of an electric guitar and is has its solo and is at high speed in some scenes. The dialogue is exchanges between characters throughout the trailer which suggests the bond that'll create and how the stock characters will form an alliance which will connect with as an audience. There are a few sound effects  as the genre of the film is trying to convey it's a teen-comedy drama. 

Jaws ~1975 

The opening scene from chrissie last swim starts of diegetic sound exchanged by the two characters running to the beach then leading chrissie to jump into the sea. This means we as an audience hear the panting of their breath whilst running and the splashing of the the water and other environmental sounds. Equally there is an exchange of some dialogue between the characters too. However the non-diegetic sound fades into as the shark starts to sense the protagonist and is slowly getting closer to her. Whilst that the shark is approaching chrissie there is use of contrapuntal sound as she is caught by the shark. This use of music used in the scene is that of a violins and an other instrument. Ergo the screams of chrissie crying out for help is heard by us but not her friend ( protagonist) and we can only hear the non - diegetic sound and the contrapuntal sound used in this scene. This could be because the director is trying to convey the idea of hopelessness and anxious feeling we must feel for the character. The sound used is fuelling the climax as after feel anger towards her friend for not hearing her screams which then leads to suspense and engima to engage the audience. 

You also need to highlight or put in bold any use of media language.
